Romantic Reflections is dedicated to thoughts and musings for Living your life in a romantic fairytale

A Tidy Home

“When your home is tidy, your thoughts are clear, and your life is relaxed for love”

Sharing romance with the one you love is the very most important part of your life, and while romance and love relieve stress, it is also important to look at our surroundings and remove little stresses that prevent us from living our most romantic lives.

Take a moment and look around where you are sitting right now. Are you surrounded by a well designed room that is clean and tidy, looking ready for a layout in a magazine?

Be critical, and think what you would tidy up, what you would de clutter from your room if it were being photographed by an unforgiving camera lens and unveiled to the world.

if you would make changes, and stage your living space to be ready for a magazine feature, why not make those changes for yourself, and live in your picture perfect environment every day.

If you are uncomfortable with the way your home looks, it subconsciously adds stress to your life, giving you less time and energy to devote to filling your life and home with loving romance.

De-Clutter for a Happier You

If you have taken a critical look around your home and decided that it’s time to create a more comfortable and relaxed environment, you need to think of how you can make your newly cleaned and tidy home stay that way permanently.

The objective of creating a clean and tidy home is to remove stress from your life, so concentrate on one room at a time so that the task remains manageable, and is not an extra stress added into your life, but instead a fun task you look forward to.

Let’s use a home office workspace for an example that we can all relate to. A desk can become a cluttered environment before we are even conscious it is happening, as our space often involves many different activities, from printing out bills, desktop publishing, reading manuals, wrapping gifts, writing notes, keyboarding, filing, stapling, drinking coffee…..

Yep a ridiculous list, because your desk is used for so many different activities which creates a huge opportunity for clutter.

When you begin the mission of tidying, make sure that you keep ease and simplicity of end use in mind. You don’t want to put things away once, feel satisfied, and then realize in a week that your room is once again cluttered. You want to organize so that everything has it’s own place, and that it is easy and convenient to put an item away after it is used.

Think of how often you use an item, and for those items frequently used put them in the most accessible locations, and work your way backward to the least used being placed in the least accessible area. This will make it so much easier to return an item to its rightful place, and break the bad habit of leaving an item on the edge of your desk. If you happen to use a pair of scissors everyday a good place for them to live is in your top centre desk drawer, and your little used three hole punch can remain at the back of your bottom drawer.

You are reorganizing your life to stay tidy and stress free, so do your organizing once with the proper planning for accessibility and ease of use. “A place for everything and everything in it’s place” is a great analogy, and with a little forward thinking you can create an environment free of stress and tidy for life.

Don’t Procrastinate

You have tidied and organized your home, and now it is simply a matter of keeping it in photo ready condition on a daily basis.

It is very easy to clean up a room, put everything away, and then fall back into your old habits of disorganization. If you aren’t careful your space becomes just a little bit more disorderly every day, until all of a sudden it is the chaotic mess you were trying to avoid.

The very best way to avoid backsliding into bad habits, is to avoid procrastination. It is all too easy after eating dinner to feel tired and decide to wait until morning to tidy the kitchen. When the morning arrives and you enter the kitchen for coffee and start your day, you are confronted with untidiness, and immediately your day begins with stress instead of your relaxing caffeine fix.

Instead of leaving the kitchen a mess at the end of your evening, take the few minutes to do the dishes, load the dishwasher, and clean the counters. It will take the same amount of time in the evening as in the morning, and you are guaranteed to have a better sleep knowing that upon awaking, your first cup of coffee will be enjoyed in a space you are proud of and comfortable in, not stressful chaos you wish to avoid.

You may not be consciously aware that by putting off tasks for a later date, your mind is always thinking of the job that has been left undone, causing you stress and taking away the restful peace inside you.

Instead of procrastinating the tidying of your home, make sure that before you leave a room, you take the few minutes to put things where they belong and leave the room in a restful, tidy state of affairs. Maintaining tidiness takes far less time than having to reorganize your home after days of neglect, so to ensure you always have a calm relaxing environment surrounding you, simply leave a room as tidy as when you entered the room.

Tidy in Love

Now doesn’t that feel so much better!

You have tidied up your home and organized it in a thoughtful manner that will keep your picture perfect environment staying that way for months to come. You feel warm and relaxed with each room you enter, and from the moment you walk through your front door your home becomes your sanctuary from all the stresses of the outside world.

This is your home, the way you want to live, and by removing the constant stress of clutter, you are able to cuddle up with the one you love in each and every room of your home, with your thoughts focussed completely on love, not the 14 things you need to be doing.

A clean and tidy home, is a happy and loving home.

Romantic Reflections is a collection of thoughts and musings intended to add little touches of love and romance to our relationships creating a fairytale that will last forever.